We are happy to welcome Ryan Lok to the project.
A structural engineer from California, Ryan has been working and experimenting with ways of building sturdy, healthy structures that can withstand earthquakes and extreme weather events. He’ll be Biokabin’s Chief Engineer, overseeing the technical performance of our modular system from his office in Menlo Park, Silicon Valley.
As a Bay Area resident, Ryan—who rents his studio apartment along with her wife, where they’re raising their first kid—is especially interested in modularity and affordability in construction.

He specializes in custom residential structures and is the founder of Lok Engineering, a structural engineering consulting firm.
Throughout his career, Ryan has worked with many architects and builders to integrate form, function, and structural integrity as seamlessly as possible.
He enjoys collaborating with the design team to come up with unique solutions to unconventional designs. Conversely, he also appreciates the beauty of simplicity and minimalism.
Ryan is interested in designing sustainable and affordable homes and is continually looking for ways to lower the overall cost of residential construction. An Oakland, CA native, he believes that access to affordable housing is important both at the individual and community levels.
Other interests include running, hiking, and spending time outdoors amongst nature and the trees. He’s lived in Spokane, Washington, a city he wants to return to someday.